Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Soursop Super Fruit Helps Kill Cancer!

Could it be possible?  Could the government know about the possibility of curing cancer naturally yet they’re keep this information locked up for their own financial gain?  How cruel can they be to see millions of families being destroyed by this horrible disease? 
Every day we hear someone close to us suffering from the lethal disease called, Cancer.  Though many medicines have been introduced so far, the disease is still responsible for many deaths worldwide. Almost 20,000 people die of cancer everyday across the globe, out of which 70% of deaths are caused in underdeveloped countries, according to World Health Organization.

Chemotherapy is one of the most widely used treatments for curing cancer. It effectively destroys the cancer cells and inhibits their growth. Unfortunately, Chemotherapy comes with several side effects such as hair loss, anemia, nausea and vomiting. Chemo helps destroy the cancer cells but meanwhile it also damages the healthy cells of the body.

What we have to offer you today is a fruit that may help you fight cancer without any adverse reactions. The fruit is called “Soursop” or “Graviola tree fruit”. The medical title of Soursop is Annona muricata. Some preliminary findings have helped researchers to conclude that the fruit is a natural cure for cancer (especially colon cancer) and it is, “10,000 times stronger than chemo”. One of the studies conducted by Cancer Centre, published in the “Journal of Medicinal Chemistry”, in 1997, says that compounds found in Soursop proved to treat breast cancer 250 times more effectively than chemo.
Soursop is a fruit of an evergreen flowering tree Annona Muricata and commonly found in the tropical areas of Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Uganda, Somalia and the Caribbean. The fruit belongs to the family of Pawpaw.  The fruit is called by other names as well such as Graviola (Brazilian Portuguese), Guanábana (Spanish), Anona (European Portuguese), Corossol (French), Brazilian pawpaw and in some cultures it is also known as Thorny Mango.
It is a spiny green colored fruit which is white from the inside. It tastes like a combination of pineapple and strawberry with an underlying creamy flavor of banana or coconut. The fruit is commonly used in making exotic drinks and sherbets.
You can find tremendous amount of valuable nutrients in it such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.
The fruit is beneficial for curing fungal and bacterial infections, stress, depression, nervous disorders, blood pressure and sleeping disorders. According to a study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplement in 2008, Graviola extracts are effective in the treatment of parasitic and microbial agents.
Researchers claim that the fruit can bring a revolution in the field of medicine, especially for treating cancer. Following are some of the claims made by researchers about this miraculous fruit:
It can naturally treat cancer by destroying the cancer cells, without any side effects such as nausea, vomiting, hair loss and weight loss.
During the treatment it does not cause any harm to your immune system, it rather boosts your immunity and protects you from deadly infections.
It provides you with extra strength to fight with the disease and you may feel healthier during the course of treatment.
It also keeps away from depression that most of the cancer patients develop during the treatment.
The Graviola tree extracts have been tested in almost 20 laboratories by America’s largest drug manufacturers, since 1970s and has proven to be beneficial in the following ways:
It effectively targets and destroys malignant cells in almost 12 types of cancer such as breast, lung, pancreas, prostate and colon.
The commonly used drug that helps combat cancer, as a part of chemotherapy is Adriamycin. The Annona muricata tree contains compounds that have 10,000 times more strength to combat cancer than Adriamycin
Unlike chemotherapy, Graviola extracts only targets the cancer cells and destroys them. It does not do any damage to the healthy cells.
Now you must be wondering that why the properties of this amazing cancer fighting fruit has been hidden until now? Though extensive researches have been undertaken regarding this fruit, it has still not been publicized. Some proponents say that there is a huge conspiracy regarding the findings about soursop. The reason this natural remedy is being kept away from the public eye is because soursop has the potential to be substituted for chemo. If it happens, it will lower down the profits of the pharmaceutical companies producing synthetic cancer drugs.
The fruit is beneficial but still there are some side-effects associated with the consumption of this fruit. There are high levels if annonacin found in this fruit that may cause Parkinson’s disease if consumed in large quantities. This finding has been published in the journal, “Movement Disorders”, in the year 2002. In some cases it may even prove harmful for the body’s cells by stopping it from producing ATP (ATP is also known as Adenosine triphosphate and it is responsible for transferring chemical energy within the cells).
You may find soursop in grocery stores or health food stores. The Graviola extracts are found in the form of herbal medicine sold under the brand name Triamazon, according to Cancer Research UK.
Now you must be wondering that why the properties of this amazing cancer fighting fruit has been hidden until now? Though extensive researches have been undertaken regarding this fruit, it has still not been publicized. Some proponents say that there is a huge conspiracy regarding the findings about soursop. The reason this natural remedy is being kept away from the public eye is because soursop has the potential to be substituted for chemo. If it happens, it will lower down the profits of the pharmaceutical companies producing synthetic cancer drugs and what will they do then?
With this recent discovery of this new super fruit, people have found many different ways of incorporating this yummy treat into their everyday life. 
There are so many recipes out with this new super fruit soursop and we have included one for you.
Before you enjoy this fruit it is also important to realize how cancer cells grow in the human body as it will help us effective measure to prevent it
1. Sugar is a cancer-feeder.
By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells… Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc. are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Stevia which I had posted earlier .
2. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment.
Exercising daily and deep breathing like kapalabhati popularized by baba ramdev help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cell.
3. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment.  
Anger, bitterness and not being able to forgive may put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to relax and enjoy life. Meditation is helpful to de-stress.
Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in color and contains only one mineral iodine. Table salt makes our body more acidic. A better alternative would be Himalayan salt.  
 meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer. A vegetarian diet keeps the body more alkaline.
After reading about the benefits of soursop I recommend to make it part of your diet.
Soursop Smoothie
    1/2 cup soursop pulp
    1 cup milk
    1.5 tsp sugar or 1/4 tsp stevia
    7-8 ice cubes
    1/2 tsp pistachio for garnish
 Cut into half and scoop the pulp out and remove the seeds.
In a blender make a smoothie with all the above ingredients. Pour it in a serving glass and garnish with the pistachios and serve immediately.
Note to our readers:
  1. Grinding the ice cubes with the Soursop makes it a perfect chilled smoothie.
2. Soursop is best to select if it is turning lightly yellow and a little soft when pressed outside.
3. Adding nuts is optional however it gives a wonderful nutty texture to the smoothie
Side Effects and Safety:
Graviola is UNSAFE. It can kill nerve cells in the brain and other parts of the body. It may cause movement disorders similar to Parkinson’s disease.
Special Precautions:
Pregnancy or breast-feeding: Do not use graviola. It is UNSAFE.
Parkinson’s disease: Graviola might make the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease worse.
Please be sure to consult with your Physician before trying this fruit to cure cancer, attempting to try any type of treatment with this fruit or trying a new food that’s not commonly in your refrigerator and are not eater often. Allergies are possible at any age.  

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