Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Soursop Super Fruit Helps Kill Cancer!

Could it be possible?  Could the government know about the possibility of curing cancer naturally yet they’re keep this information locked up for their own financial gain?  How cruel can they be to see millions of families being destroyed by this horrible disease? 
Every day we hear someone close to us suffering from the lethal disease called, Cancer.  Though many medicines have been introduced so far, the disease is still responsible for many deaths worldwide. Almost 20,000 people die of cancer everyday across the globe, out of which 70% of deaths are caused in underdeveloped countries, according to World Health Organization.

Chemotherapy is one of the most widely used treatments for curing cancer. It effectively destroys the cancer cells and inhibits their growth. Unfortunately, Chemotherapy comes with several side effects such as hair loss, anemia, nausea and vomiting. Chemo helps destroy the cancer cells but meanwhile it also damages the healthy cells of the body.