Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Soursop A Natural Cure That Is 1000 Times Better Than Chemotherapy!

The graviola tree, or Annona muricata, produces the sweet soursop fruit, also called custard apple, paw paw or, in many Spanish-speaking countries, guanabana. The tree reaches a height of 25 or 30 feet and produces large fruit that may reach a length of 12 inches. Although its rind is quite bitter, the fruit’s flesh is soft, smooth and sweet, and provides carbohydrate as its major nutrient. Soursop also contains abundant vitamin C and several B vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin and niacin, along with calcium, phosphorus and a small amount of iron.

-Guanabana, as it is also called in Central America, has impressive reserves of Vitamin C. Among the many benefits of vitamin C, some include: protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling.

-The pulp (fleshy parts that is eaten or juiced) of the Soursop fruit contains high level of fructose, which is a natural sugar. After glucose, fructose is the least-complex carbohydrate and that allows for easier absorption within the system.

-Another property of the tea is that it alleviates gout –painful and unfamed joints. The tea treats the main cause for gout, and it cleans the blood from uric acid. It also helps and prevents in urinary tract infections.

The leavs of soursop are great replacment for non- steroidal anti- inflamatory drugs which are used for the tretment of rheummatism. The cure contains of boiling the soursop leaves, mashing them and priparing a poultice which should be applied on the painful muscles and joints twice a day.

The leaves can also help in treating eczema. Unlike other topical steroids they do not cause any side-effects. Just prepare and utilize the poultice the same as for the one for painful muscles and joints.

However, even though there are some statements that this plant is very effective in the treatment of cancer, this is still not scientifically proven. Experts confirm that the leaves can be 1.000 times more effective than chemotherapy. They don’t cause health complications and side-effects and are believed to be especially effective for breasts, lung, and prostate cancer.

You can prepare the soursop leaves in the following manner: Chop them, mix them in three cups of water and boil them. When 2/3 of the water evaporates, you can remove it from heat and leave it to cool down.

-The recommended intake of soursop fruit or its extract has not been established. However, one fruit contains about 15 milligrams of annonacin, its most studied component, and one can of commercially prepared soursop nectar provides 36 milligrams. Avoid consuming soursop in excess, however, since large quantities of its alkaloid compounds may cause neurological symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease. Do not self-treat with soursop or its extract. Discuss its use with your doctor to decide what is best for your situation.

-Soursop leaves are an effective herbal remedy for treating back pain without any negative effect, unlike pharmaceutical alternatives. It is recommended to boil 20 pieces of soursop leaves in 5 cups of water until only 3 cups of water are left. Then one should drink ¾ cup of this concoction once in a day for relief. Soursop leaves are also beneficial in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, and eczema.

-Recently, soursop leaves have been increasingly used to stabilize blood sugar levels within the normal range. It is believed that many of the nutritional extracts found in soursop leaves can be used as one of the natural diabetic remedies.

-Soursop has been encouraged as a ‘heart-friendly food’ as research has indicated that the fruit is low in sodium, saturated fat and cholesterol. Soursop is also very high in and Potassium.

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The Leaves of Soursop Are 1,000 Times Stronger At Killing Cancer Cells Than Chemotherapy!

Among all the healthy products out there, there is one plant, whose leaves will bring health benefits like you never imagined before!

Soursop leaves are 1,000 times stronger in the fight against cancer without any chemotherapy or other radical treatments.

You may have not heard of soursop yet, but we promise that this is a pure miracle worker for your health. It is also known as Graviola and it is actually an exotic fruit with a very specific taste. People who tried it compare its taste to a combination of strawberries and pineapple.

Aside from being super healthy, this fruit also provides amazing health benefits. It is powerful enough to treat some very serious health conditions, and the secret lies in its leaves.

Here is what you need to know:

    Fights off cancer

Soursop may be the most effective cancer treatment ever. It is completely natural and used in alternative medicine for killing cancerous cells. It does not bring any side-effects so you can use it as much as you want. The fruit is especially beneficial for those battling lung, breast, and prostate cancer.

Recipe for Soursop Leaf Tea:

Chop up 10 soursop leaves finely and boil them in 3 cups of water. Remove from heat when 2/3 of the water evaporates and only 1/3 remains. Let tea cool off and drink as per usual.

Soursop – Health Benefits:

    Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

Plenty of people are dealing with urinary tract infection (UTI). The symptoms include a bacterial infection of the urethra, urinary bladder, ureters, and kidneys.

To prevent this, drink soursop tea and heal your urinary tract infection. You can also consume the tea daily to prevent UTI from happening altogether.

    Soursop Tea Great for Gout Treatment

Goat represents a condition that is followed by inflamed and painful joints, especially the libs joints. By drinking soursop leaves tea you will face no more problems of this sort. What this tea does is, it flushes the urinary canals and removes uric acid from the blood, which actually causes inflammation.

    Effective Against Rheumatism

Painful and swollen joints can also be a result of rheumatism. This is also followed by severe back and waist pain. In this case, though, the muscles get affected as well.

People suffering from rheumatism take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, but only a simple soursop leaves remedy will do. Boil several soursop leaves and mash them well. Apply on painful areas twice a day until you witness results.

    Perfect for Eczema

When treating eczema, people usually consume plenty of steroid-based medication which do not bring planet of results. If you want to cure eczema, prepare soursop leaves poultice as described above. Apply on affected areas and praise the best anti-inflammatory properties ever.

    Boost the Immune System

The immune system is very fragile in many people and when it is disturbed it can lead to many conditions, such as a cold, cough, flu, and other infections.

Because of this, soursop leaves tea is highly recommended. It provides enormous anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the immune system marvelously and heal it in an instance.
